Join us each Sunday morning at 9:30a for our Adult Faith Formation Book Discussion. Reading is encouraged but not necessary as Rev. Willson will summarize each week's selection. Until Palm Sunday we'll be discussing Allen Dwight Callahan's The Talking Book: African American's and the Bible Come and add to the discussion!
Church history is filled with terrible stories of holy wars, power-hungry church officials, and doctrine as imperial politics. But what if we told the story differently? What if the story was told, not forgetting the evil and harm done in God's name, but also centering the stories of those individuals, communities, and movements that followed the way of Jesus in creative and inspiring ways. Does church history offer any counter-narrative?
Diana Butler Bass calls this "the other side of the story" in our selection for the Advent & Christmas Adult Faith Formation Book Study. The book is available in print, digital, and audio. Feel free to gather with us at 9:30a on Sundays, December 1 - January 12, whether you've read the book or not. Here's how the discussion will breakdown: